Tax and Insolvency Litigation Solicitor

Author: Stephen Chinnery

Accelerated Payment Notices to be challenged

HMRC GAINS NEW POWERS WITH ACCELERATED PAYMENT NOTICES (“APN’S”) HMRC gained new powers in 2014 to issue Accelerated Payment Notices (“APN’s”) across a range of circumstances. APN’s demand an advance payment of tax even in circumstances where HMRC are continuing to investigate the question of whether the tax ought to be paid or where an […]

Disclosure: VAT Avoidance Schemes

Disclosure of VAT Avoidance Schemes The new political reality is that HM Revenue & Customs (“HMRC”) are under increasing pressure from the Government to to maximise the ‘tax-take’ for the public purse. It used to be the case that tax-payers could legitimately arrange their tax affairs so that anything not considered to be evasion was […]


SIGNIFICANT CHANGES AFFECTING ALCOHOL TRADERS   Alcohol Traders will now have to be registered   The Government has long been concerned about fraudulent tax losses within wholesale alcohol supply chains where it is thought that the amounts lost to in-ward diversion fraud could amount to £1.5bn annually.   HMRC are about to dramatically change the […]

Provisional Liquidation Set Aside in a Bloody nose for HMRC

It has been common knowledge for some years that the UK Tax Authorities, HM Revenue & Customs (‘HMRC’) do not like a level playing field when litigating with alcohol traders or commodities associated with Missing Trader Intra Community Fraud (‘MTIC’). The traders they commonly deal with are companies, mostly incorporated under the laws of England […]

UK Liquidator on the hook for £500,000

In a recent case before the High Court, Judge Simon Barker QC found favour with the Claimants, Top Brand Services Limited and Lemione Services Limited that UK Liquidator, Mrs Gagen Sharma either repay, restore, account or pay compensation to to the company of which she was a former Liquidator, namely Mama Milla Limited (In Liquidation). […]

Hunted by the Tax Authorities

The UK Government is becoming increasingly aggressive in its pursuit of those alleged to have evaded taxes. As part of this strategy they publish yearly ‘Most Wanted’ publications for those people outside of the UK Jurisdiction who are accused of large scale VAT, excise and alcohol frauds. Here is a link to the list for […]

UK Supreme Court shuts the door to Third Party Directors

In a significant Supreme Court judgment that Court has refused to accept that defendants to fraud-type claims by a company can now rely on their own wrongdoing to escape liability for the fraud. The same rule also extends to claims against third parties to any such claim. The Court ruled a liquidator can bring a […]

UK Liquidator chases Tax fraud proceeds in Middle East

It is reported that UK Liquidator Griffins has secured some success in recovering monies frozen in Dutch Antilles bank First Curacao International Bank (‘FCIB’) to the tune of £5m. This liquidator, with a base in the Middle East, is also currently pursuing HM Revenue & Customs targets in the Middle East employing a range of […]

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